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Welcome to Atismail for windows (v1.03)
Atismail is a shareware Mail User Agent for sending and receiving E-mail.
Atismail is a windows program and needs a windows socket library
(winsock.dll) to run.
Atismail is not free software, but you're free to evaluate it for
a 30 day period.
For registering Atismail see the Atismail.hlp file.
Before installing Atismail, you should make a backup like you
ALWAYS DO when installing new software. (don't you ?)
Before you start using the software read the License Agreement.
Atismail can be used to :
- Receive and Send (rfc822) mail in a Novell Netware Network.
- Send and Receive MIME-mail (rfc1521)
- Receive mail with POP3
- Receive mail with Imap2/2b
- Receive External (message) body parts. (mailserv/ftp/anon-ftp/local-file)
- Send External (message) body parts. (mailserv/ftp/anon-ftp/local-file)
- Send mail with SMTP
- Look up e-mail addresses with a simple X.500 DUA
- Content-Types can be installed for sending/receiving MIME
(Multimedia mail).
- Atismail can manage as many mailboxes as you want using POP3 and/or
- Atismail can manage as many mailfolders for storing mail as you want.
There are no viewers or applications built in the package, you can install
you're favorite viewer or application to view MIME-mail or to send and/or
receive encrypted/signed mail.
How to Install Atismail :
[0] : On disk 1 (Installation disk no: 1) are 4 file's :
- install.sys
- install.win
- install.app
These files can be used to install four dll's (bc450rtl, bwcc.dll
,bids45.dll and owl250.dll) in different directories that can be
shared in a network.
The default installation installs these dll's in the windows system
directory. If you want the dll's in the windows directory, use
install.win . If you want the dll' to be in the applications (atismail)
directory use install.app . If you want the dll's in the windows
system directory use the original install.inf or the install.sys .
You can use the install.??? files by copying them to install.inf
BEFORE you start installing Atismail from the install disks.
If you're going to install the user part of the package, make sure
a path exists to the "Atismail" directory before install step 2
is started in case you used the install.app installation file.
[1] : You want to install/use it on a Novell Netware (3.11) network.
First you or your network manager has to put it on the network.
This is Instal step 1, simply run install.exe on disk 1.
After step 1 you'll have to install it so users can use it.
(step 2 simply copies some files and registers some install info)
Step 2 is done by running install in the subdirectory <USER> of the
directory Atismail is installed in, in the first step.
For Novell Netware users the directory used in step 2 preferably is
the users mail directory on the network.
(<networkdisk>:\mail\[object_id], exmpl. ; h:\mail\6000002)
In the Atismail.cfg file use Defaultmailbox=Novell to access your
mail (in a Novell network).
[2] : You don't have a Novell network or you don't want to use it.
Install Atismail on a network and perform step1 as in [1]
For step 2, use a directory of you're choice (preferably empty).
In the Atismail.cfg file select Defaultmailbox=Remote.
To setup the mailbox click the right mousebutton in the mainwindows
client-area (the white(?) rectangle) of the atismail application.
[3] : You don't want to install it on a network at all.
(on a standalone using slip/ppp ?)
Just install it on the computer like in [2].
Make sure you have a winsock that can maintain a
tcp/ip connection for you.
[4] : !!! DO NOT FORGET !!!
- You need to edit the my-alias field in atismail.cfg
- You need a directory for temporary files
you need to mention the temp dir
- You need a directory for queueing mail (registered users only)
- You are going to read the help file or not ?
Known problem after installation :
- After Atismail is installed and you try to run it a message might appear
"Unable to Create window".
This means that an older version of BWCC.DLL is found in the path or exists
in the windows directory. Atismail uses the BWCC.DLL of Borland C/C++ 4.5 .
Make sure the newer BWCC.DLL is available. You might want to exchange the
older version(s) of BWCC.DLL by the newer one. The 4.5 version can do what
the older versions can do too.
You can contact the author by sending mail to :
- Atismail@atis.nl
what's new in version 1.02 :
- Changed appearance to "Borland gray / 3-D" windows
- Menu options can be selected by gadgets.
- Mainwindow is resizeable. When Atismail is started the
mainwindow will be placed on the same position and size
the mainwindow was/had last.
- added queueing of outgoing (SMTP) mail. This mail can be sent over
a none-permanent connection in batchmode (menu option)
- added the capability of receiving "Message/External-body" MIME mail
- added the capability of sending "Message/External-body" MIME mail
- More then one method for encryption/decryption/signing mail can be used.
(selection can be made before sending mail)
- added option "Compose Multipart/Digest" MIME mail
- added option "Compose Multipart/Alternative" MIME mail
- added "preview-option" before sending files by mail.
and of course, removed some bugs.
"Atismail-support" <atismail@atis.nl>
what's new in version 1.03 :
- Added mailfilters for mailboxes and folders
- Added distribution lists.
- Added some fields in the addressbook
and of course, removed some bugs.
"Atismail-support" <atismail@atis.nl>